Bright is an urban fantasy magical crime drama where a human cop
teams up with an orc cop to take down the bad guys in Los Angeles.
I found the initial pitch very intriguing, as I’m a big fan of both urban
fantasy and WIll Smith. It’s a movie produced by netflix. I had heard
previously it had mixed reviews, as it aimed to cover social commentary,
as well as high fantasy and intense cop drama. The set up seemed solid
enough, I liked the daughter and the orc character right off the bat. As the
movie progressed into more action I started to really dislike a lot of the
themes presented. Police brutality is a huge problem right now, and not
addressing it in a film that dealt with race and prejudice especially felt really
off. There was an enormous amount of violence against minorities which was
really hard to watch. A lot of the dialogue is really unnecessary, like the lines
about how orcs were always defense in football for being "built differently."
That connection was so unnecessary, the idea that some races were
biologically built differently.
The cinematography was cool, the costumes, special effects, and makeup
were all great. It was a fun world and overall, with dragons and fairies, and I
thought the concepts and characters were really solid, and if the execution
and story were a bit tighter, it would have been a really great and successful
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