Saturday, November 4, 2017

Current Favorites!

I didn't know we were encouraged to blog about comics we were reading independently!
Some of the ones I've been really loving lately, starting with Bryan Lee O'Malley's Snotgirl. I love the design and the aesthetic of it, Leslie Hung does the artwork which is absolutely phenomenal. The story itself is fun, dramatic, kind of like reality TV. I've also really been loving PaperGirls, which is a super fun sci-fi series about a team of papergirls battling cool monsters. Cliff Chiang does the art, and he's another of my favorites. (Especially his stuff on Wonder Woman.)
Another new series, which is super recent but so far fantastic, is Hi-Fi Fight club. It's about an all girl's fight club set in the late 90's in a record store. The protagonist is a young queer girl, which is really refreshing to see. So far I love it, I wish it had been around when I was a young teen.
I'm also really excited for the new Runaways series, I LOVED the original run, and am so stoked for the revival, and upcoming series.

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