Friday, January 26, 2018

The Shape Of Water - Review


Honestly, a work of art. The visuals, the special effects, the actors and the cinematography, this film is the full package. Unexpectedly sweet, unexpectedly romantic, and full of eggs, my dream film has truly come to life. 
“The fact that we all have this nostalgia now for this period is interesting because in a way, it never really existed. People were talking about the future and how great it was going to be, but it was difficult for anyone who wasn’t white and male. So it’s the right time period to frame a story about ‘otherness’ and the persecution of ‘otherness.’” 
That’s partly why Eliza and the Creature are mute, why Elisa’s neighbor and friend Giles (Richard Jenkins) is gay, and why her co-worker/confidant Zelda (Octavia Spencer) is black. The story gives a voice to those who typically didn’t have one. 
Opening Image: Underwater, the apartment submerged. Elisa’s happy, ideal dream.
Theme Stated: I couldn't find the theme explicitly stated in the script, but the theme did seem to be ‘giving a voice to those who were voiceless.” i.e, black, queer, women, mute, aquamen ect.
Set up: Elisa, the protagonist, is sweet, romantic, and mute. She is caring, a good person, but lonely. She loves eggs, and dreams of water. She feels classic, elegant, but youthful still.
Catalyst: Her job receives a mysterious new asset, with a new team at the facility. 
Debate: Everything is changing. The new head of security is an asshole, and the asset/room Elisa and her friend Zelda are tasked with cleaning is dangerous, bloody, ect. 
Break into two: The new asset room, is the strange new world. Set apart from the world she knows, dangerous, and full of adventure.
B story: Eliza and the creature begin an egg and music filled romance.
Fun and Games: Teaching him about records, making him eggs, teaching him signs, Dancing, the two grow closer. 
Midpoint: Danger! The Russian spy wants to kill the asset, to stop the American scientific progress! and the Americans want the Asset’s body for space travel research! Either way, bad news for Elisa and her Fish Boyfriend. She’s gotta save him!
Bad Guys Close in:
All is lost:
Dark Night of the soul:
break into three:
Final image: Elisa and the Asset underwater, embraced. Her scars become gills! Love wins! Her dream came true!

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